Saturday, August 19, 2017

ESIC "Cashless Referral Norms - In case of direct admission in Tie up Hospitals"

ESIC "Cashless Referral Norms - In case of direct admission in Tie up Hospitals"

As per latest news from ESIC, Cashless treatment at tie-up hospitals for emergencies has been re-introduced. 
It’s to facilitate fast and life saving, hassle-free and cashless delivery of medical services to ESI beneficiaries.
ESIC has issued instructions to all tie-ups hospitals allow direct admission. 
In the circular, ESIC has stated as: 
In case of dire need like road traffic accident, employment injury and other life threatening emergencies, ESI beneficiary may seek direct admission at tie—up hospital for cashless treatment Tie—up hospital will immediately start the stabilizing treatment and will seek permission join respective SMC office through e-mail for continuing further treatment. Upon receiving e-mail from tie-up hospital, SMC will constitute a Committee/designate an official at ESIC hospital/office nearest to tie up hospital. This Committee/official will visit tie-up hospital by same day/next working day to verify and identity emergency and other details of the patient so as to authenticate continuation of treatment. Once it is verified as genuine, the referral letter may be issued to tie—up hospital for cashless treatment.
Attached are the copies of the circular, important forms, procedure and list of ESIC SST Tie-up hospital in Madhya Pradesh which issued by the ESIC.

Praveen Tripathi "THE HR - SAVE LIFE"