Monday, March 9, 2020

Basic 4 Keys to Hire a Talent

Basic 4 Keys to hire a Talent

For a Recruiter, Recruitment and Talent Hiring is the biggest task, role and challenge to get hire an appropriate and best candidate to complete the mission of organization.

Recruitment and talent hiring is a time taken process when you are choosing a suitable candidate to get lined-up for further technical round and to get selected to come him or her on board.

“Recruitment and Selection of a candidate is like a picking up a good mango from a tree of mangoes that has all the qualities as you want or looking for.”

Setting the criteria is most important key part for choosing or picking the perfect profile. To pick a perfect candidate, screening, marking key skills and hash tags are playing biggest role to choose from various online or offline job boards or portals. It is very effective to sharing the Job Roles, Profile and Responsibilities first to the candidate as well.

4 Basic Keys or Steps to hire:

  1. Job description and Key Result Areas must be fixed before hiring or posting relevant jobs and opportunities into Job Boards / Portals.
  2. Source as per defined Job Roles and Key Responsibilities
  3. Criteria must be mapped before proceeding to post the Job like Years of Experience, Domain Area, Salary Range, Pre & Post Qualification experience, Required Qualification, Location preferred etc.
  4. Job Posting must start with mentioned basic criteria:
  • Job Location
  • Job Roles,
  • Job Profile,
  • Job responsibilities,
  • Required experience range Min to Max,
  • Required salary range Min to Max,
  • Required essential qualification,
  • Joining time
I am sharing just a basic fundamental hiring tips. The list is shared with an intent to help all beginner recruiters. I will appreciate if readers can add their observation add more to this list :).

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Even God is neither “Experienced” nor “Skilled” – Every Second is Startup

It is not my justification or purpose to tell or point out to God to be efficient and inefficient, but an effort to share that no one borne as skilled and experienced.

“God in not Great” written by Chritopher Hitchens, it was written about to “Religions” but I’m writing to understand that even God is neither “Experienced” nor “Skilled”.

In this world of Globalization everyone is engaged to enhance their skills and working hard to get experienced. Everyone seeking and looking for inspirations from best motivational speakers, taking motivation from hollywood or bollywood movies or films, following to their Guru’s to keep updated with Spiritual knowledge and following.

But still the question is remaining the same that is, who is knowledgeable?, Who is more experienced? Or who is more skilled?

If anyone tried to get right answer of said mentioned questions it result becomes “ZERO”.

From our ancestors, we are getting knowledge of our culture and rites. There are many religions in this world and all religions have their own rules, cultures and rites.

In every second many people are being born and died. And at the same time other people are working hard to get survived for their self and family.

Take the risk of thinking for yourself”

If everything is right then, why things are running differently? Actually God is taking experience and enhancing their skills too. So I believe that “GOD is NOT EXPERIENCED or SKILLED”. God is Learning from everything whatever present in this world and by living life.

Similarly, every creature in this world learns something every day in order to strengthen itself. When a lion hunts and fails, then he tries to hunt more efficiently. And this sequence moves forward. He does not learn to lose and gets sustained skill.

People kick up to luck and say that I did not get this (things) or failed to get it (things), while at that time they should have continued to do karma and hard work. The sensible thing behind the life is that God is working on enhancing own self skill and experience.

In ancient times, God used to give any blessing to his devotee without any thought and had to repent to him several times later. But they were never stop to give blessings to their devotees. The devotees used to perform extreme penance till the blessing received. Where, “Penance reflects karma” and “Blessings show the result of work done”.

Believe on your work done and learn instead of blaming or kick up to luck and choose your own “HARD WORD” or “WORK HARD”. If God is getting experience from us then we are waiting for what. Learn from everything this world is our; Not to be as feeling of jealous, but learn to teach and teach to learn. Learning from failures and mistakes are playing most important role in our life.

Learning is never ending process; don’t lose it so get it to get experienced and skilled.

Views and opinions are requested.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Induction / Orientation / On-Boarding for the new employee

By Praveen Tripathi – THE HR

Induction / Orientation / On-Boarding for the new employee

A. Introduction

Employee Induction, orientation and on-boarding are common terms and this process is the most significant phase of an employee’s organisational career.

It’s all about the first impressions of an employer what a new employee finds and feels on the first day. It will be a major factor in determining how well that person fits in and performs, and how long the employment continues.

Induction duration and Program determine and influence the expectations the individual will have of the organisation, the manager or team leader, the work group, and the work

When does induction begin or complete?

It may vary and differ to organization to organization and depends on their checklist and subject measures.

B. Objectives of induction

The aim of induction is to confirm that both the new employee and the employer made good decisions. The employer should be comfortable with its selection decision, and the employee should believe this is a good job in a good working environment in a good organisation.

Induction comes from the Latin in ducere — to lead in. That should be the employer’s objective — to lead the new employee into the organisation and the job.

The rest is content. During the induction process, the employee should start to gain an understanding of the organisation’s mission and role, its values and standards, and its expectations and requirements of employees and others — and to develop a commitment to those norms and beliefs.

Regrettably, you don’t begin to develop that understanding by sitting in a conference room listening to a series of top managers and other talking heads.

What a new employee wants — on the first day, and for the first week or so — can be summarized quite simply:

·       A good answer to the question “What did you do at work today?” — Which will be asked when the new employee gets home.
·       Reassurance that taking this job and joining the organisation was the right decision.
·       To do something tangible. To have some results to show.
The main objective of induction is not the passing of information — it is the foundation for a strong psychological contract — a real sense of worth and belonging.

C. Contents

Contents and measure subjects may vary and depends on organization scope. But few may as mentioned:

ü The organisation
ü Mission, goals, strategy
ü Governance and structure
ü Culture and values
ü Product and Services
ü Policies and procedures
ü Communication channels
ü The department, business unit, or work group
ü Role and Scope
ü Structure and relationships, key stakeholders
ü Key people
ü Workplace geography
ü The “self”
ü The employment agreement, terms and conditions of employment, benefits
üThe employment relationship — expected behaviors and standards, monitoring and supervision, disciplinary
ü Rules — health and safety, dress code, use of equipment (including email and internet), vehicles, etc
ü Performance plans and reviews, key performance goals and measures
ü Personal growth and development plans and opportunities.

D. Programming induction

While induction is a process rather than a programme, it is important to have a framework; so that both managers and the employee can check that the process is actually happening.

It might be best to start with the “self”; since that is the employee’s centre and central concern.

The “big picture” from the Board Room can wait until the new employee knows where the toilets are and where to get a cup of tea or coffee.

But think creatively about how to make the process easy, interesting, and participative; especially for the employee, but for others as well.

Here’s one idea. Rather than tow the new employee around to be introduced to a whole lot of people, let the employee do the introductions. You have, of course, told the work group that they are to have a new colleague, and what the new person will be doing — haven’t you? So give the new employee a plan of the workplace, with the names and positions and locations of the rest of the work group. Introduce the new person to one of those people: the task is to find out what that person does, how they will work together or affect each other’s work, get that person to initial the plan, and then introduce the new employee to another work group member.

Don’t try to cover the whole work group at once. Small bites are easily digested. See if one of the work groups could take the new employee in hand for half a day, to go to a meeting, or help with a particular task — in other words, to do something, to be useful.

Early in the first week, the manager will probably need to deal with some essential administration. Perhaps there are KiwiSaver and other forms to be signed – but don’t bring the forms to the new employee to sign; this is a good opportunity for the new employee to find Accounts or Human Resources.

The manager will probably need to go through the employment agreement with the new employee — although it might be too late for anything to change. Check for understanding and certainty; show how the provisions of the agreement link to the organisation’s policies; ensure the employee knows the procedure for applying for leave and 101 things; and so on.

Make sure that key policies are well understood — e.g. code of conduct, health and safety, sexual harassment.

Show the new employee where to find information about policies, procedures, and entitlements. It might be freely accessible on the organisation’s network or an intranet, but make sure the new employee knows how to get to it.

And that is a good place to start a conversation about departmental or business unit aims and objectives and where the pieces fit with the whole. Remember that your plan is to build up from the individual to the organisation. Show how the work of the individual contributes to what the work group is doing, and how that feeds into the overall work of the section, department, or business unit. And then to the organisation as a whole.

If the new employee seems a bit overwhelmed, take the conversation back to the level of the individual and start to talk about the performance management process.

ü What are the key performance objectives of the employee’s job?
ü How do the objectives in the job description translate into specific goals or targets?
ü How will the employee’s performance be discussed and reviewed?
ü What happens if the performance does not meet expected levels or standards?
ü What assistance can the employee get to develop new or existing knowledge and skills?
ü How does the employee want to get performance feedback?
This is largely a positive discussion, but don’t shy away from discussing disciplinary processes and their consequences in the event of misbehaviour or continuing poor performance. But they should be seen as a last resort, and not as a threat.

E.  Planning the induction

Planning for the arrival of a new employee rather depends on the type and scale of the intended induction process. But you probably need to think about these things:

a)   Will you appoint a “buddy” to act as guide and mentor for the new employee’s initial period? If so, who is it to be? Do you need to arrange for someone else to cover some of the buddy’s work in the short term?
b)   Business services. Who arranges for swipe cards and other necessary equipment (ranging from an office, through office furniture, a company car, a locker, protective clothing, and a tool kit)? What will the new employee need? How far in advance must it be ordered?
c)   Who is responsible for ensuring that the new employee’s workplace is appropriately stocked and arranged for the first day?
d)   Who will take the new employee through initial health and safety briefings and training?
e)   When will you tell the organisation/the work unit/the work group about the new employee? What will you say?
f)    Have you got all the necessary paperwork ready?

F.  Checklist

Many organisations use a check list to ensure that all the necessary topics and briefings are covered during the induction process.

Some give the check list to the employee, along with the responsibility for ensuring that everything is covered.

*Some points, paragraphs and words are taken from different sources.