Friday, May 29, 2015

HR and Mobile Technology

HR and Mobile Technology

HR and Mobile Technology
We are in the world of economy and corporate where HR plays big rolls to accommodate capitals.

Technology always changed and today’s scene says “Yes it’s compulsory for us to make compact our life styles”.

As per recent research on the “Uses of Mobile Technology by HR” is Rare. And due to that the technology Gap is playing a negative roll with HR.

A. HR Management System,
B. Human Capital Management and,
C. Social networking

These are the three most important trends where technology runs a big game to make things simple and oriented. Mobile Technology will turn you around the world.

Mobile technology making enrich to the world and human beings, in daily life using various type of applications instead of using Desktop or Laptop cause mobile is first. Technology making life compacts.

HR is to be Mobile friendly to keep trends up-to-date and upgrade before the generation gap.

Result always depends on the accuracy and consistency, where mobile technology or technology gives the same.

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