HR Life and Its Function
HR, Worldwide well known & famous Role, Department and Designation.
Read Biography and Histories on all like Poet, Film or Movie Stars, Singer, Politicians, Doctors, Animal, Human Being, Lawyer etc. etc. But neither read nor listen on HR.
HR - "Very Respectful Designation and Department" in every organization. All the Process start from here to complete the cycle whether related to Empowerment Of Organization or Employees Life Cycle of any Organization.
HR is a Single Window Operation for an Organization for streaming their day to day functions. Sure and Obviously its a Philosophy junction.

A HR play a very big role in his life to conclude the issues, upgrading the business moral, culture adoption and a big distinctive orientation.
A HR life begins with Learning, Applying and Executing the role.
Here is I have written a very formal and objective part regarding HR Life & Its Function. And more yet to be written.
Request for valuable input.
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