Thursday, July 2, 2015

HR Life and Its Function

HR Life and Its Function

HR, Worldwide well known & famous Role, Department and Designation.

Read Biography and Histories on all like Poet, Film or Movie Stars, Singer, Politicians, Doctors, Animal, Human Being, Lawyer etc. etc. But neither read nor listen on HR.

HR - "Very Respectful Designation and Department" in every organization. All the Process start from here to complete the cycle whether related to Empowerment Of Organization or Employees Life Cycle of any Organization.

HR is a Single Window Operation for an Organization for streaming their day to day functions. Sure and Obviously its a Philosophy junction.

A HR life is so enthusiastic, progressive, energetic, full of attitude (Manners) and full with dignity. 

A HR play a very big role in his life to conclude the issues, upgrading the business moral, culture adoption and a big distinctive orientation.

A HR life begins with Learning, Applying and Executing the role. 


Here is I have written a very formal and objective part regarding HR Life & Its Function. And more yet to be written.

Request for valuable input.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

RBI Clean Note Policy - Strictly on Action WIF 30-June-15 "Avoid Scribbling on Indian Currency Notes"

RBI Clean Note Policy - Strictly on Action WIF 30-June-15

"Avoid Scribbling on Indian Currency Notes"

Now its time of Indian Rupees Cleanliness System. 

RBI already declared "Clean Note Policy" on10th of May'2013. And now, hopefully final day comes to regularized the same with effect from 30th, June'2015.

Few most important things when Notes will be not entertained and VALUE will be ZERO CURRENCY.

  • Stapled.
  • Writing of any kind on watermark window.
  • Anywhere writing.
  • Scribbled.
  • Soiled.
  • Also ensure that your note not to be older then on or before 2005.

Writing on Indian Currency Notes is Punishable :
Scribbling on currency notes is a punishable offense in India. Under Section 35A of the Banking Regulation Act 1949, RBI has clearly mentioned that writing and/or scribbling on currency notes and distribution of such defaced notes is punishable and can carry penalty as well.


Friday, June 5, 2015

Why Resigned? ; 3 most Important Reasons

Why Resigned? ; 3 most Important Reasons

Said topic is a very common and important question; arrives when anyone decided to resign or depart from the company.

Only three reasons are behind the scene:

First – Family and Location

Second - Cultural Behavior of Company

Third – Seniors or Reporting Managers

3. Let’s begin with Third one first.  Most of 80% cases resigned due to behavior issues of their seniors or Reporting Managers,

2. And rare cases 10% due to second one cause. Every Good and Employee empowered Company having policies and procedures to perform best of best; it’s all about Company Culture,

1. And rare of rarest cases 10% are due to cause of Family and Location issues. Lots of good companies are love and believe to relocate their employees at their home locations.

Now, the gap is almost clear.

Instead of high attrition rate companies are required to manage their employees with proper staff engagement activities; jointly with their colleagues, seniors and reporting managers.

“Good points - Seniors or Reporting Managers are having their high level of confidence, energy and thought process. Boss is always right, where a concept makes seniors to be behaved like a boss. They are having their own reputation in front of staff, colleagues and Company.”

But a soft corner always to be there for their Junior, colleagues and employees. Most of times junior employees are hesitate to ask repeated questions, doubts and concept to their reporting managers due to their behaviors like looking sense, talking sense, sense of answering the doubts or questions, shouting in front of staff etc. Seniors has to be understood that performance is a team work and same will be Zero if junior team will not work or not perform.

Seniors should be proactively participating and to be answered well to their junior employees and colleagues for their any doubts or questions related to assigned work or task.

Good time has to be spending with vertical junior employees or colleagues. Junior will perform too actively if feel independent and familiar work environment.

May be Junior will be Boss if teach by a Boss. So behavior must be like a Boss not as annoyed.

A matured perfect bonding plays a biggest role with employees after Success.

A Boss who creates another Boss.